
Evening Buzz: WikiLeaks Releases Secret Iraq War Documents

Posted: October 22nd, 2010 -- 09:14 PM ET

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Maureen Miller
AC360° Writer

We're following breaking news on a move that the Pentagon says puts U.S. troops in Iraq in "even greater danger."

U.S. military leaders are furious over the release of 400,000 classified war documents on the whistle-blower website WikiLeaks.

The documents, from 2004 to 2009, show most civilians were killed by other Iraqis and give insight on the role that Iran played in helping Iraqi militants, according to the New York Times, which was one of a handful of news organizations that got early access to the papers.

The Pentagon says 300 Iraqis are named in the documents who could be in danger due to WikiLeaks actions.

"We have notified Centcom and U.S. forces in Iraq so that they could then be in touch with those Iraqis and take measures to try to safeguard them in the wake of this exposure," said Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell.

Chris Lawrence is at the Pentagon for us looking through the documents. He'll have the latest on the fallout tonight on 360°.

We'll also take you inside the fight over foreclosures. A Florida law firm is accused of submitting false documents to speed up the foreclosure process. The state attorney general calls the law firm the largest foreclosure mill in the state. The law firm denies the accusation. But wait to you hear what the employees admitted, under oath.

Plus, more of Anderson's exclusive one-on-one interview with Yoko Ono. She talks more about her murdered husband John Lennon, including what life was like with the other Beatles.

Join us for these stories and much more at 10 p.m. ET. See you then.


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