Saturday, November 20, 2010
CNN's Piece on Animal Cognition & Interview With Cesar Millan
Since Parental Unit is really "into" embedding videos these days, we thought we'd share with you the piece that aired a few nights ago on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360. First this segment showed Randi Kaye's interview and demonstration with an animal cognition researcher at Duke University.
See that here.
Then John Roberts, who was substituting for Anderson Cooper (Parental Unit insists on adding here that there is NO SUBSTITUTE for Anderson Cooper) interviews our friend The Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan. It's a really interesting to hear Millan answer Roberts' line of questions, that unfortunately, were really not directed to the work that Millan does. But Millan graciously reframed each of the questions so that he could answer them in the context of his work.
The other thing that's unfortunate about this clip is that it cut off the last, offbase comment that Robert's made as they were cutting away from the interview: that he really should have "Millan train his dog." Parental Unit cannot resist intruding with her two cents: she thinks Roberts needed to do his homework before he interviewed The Dog Whisperer...:-)
See that interview here too-and tell us what you think!
Posted by Bocci at 5:19 PM
BOCCI I'm just a mutt from the pound with big dreams...dreams of starring in a major motion picture, (O.K., I'd be happy with a dog food commercial), dreams of my book (that I've yet to write) being chosen for Oprah's book club, dreams of being on David Letterman- or at least the new Dr. Oz show. But right now, I just want to hobnob with my fellow animals. |