...You Care.
I just received notice of this brand new blog where you can post a message for Anderson. Their administration will try to make sure Anderson gets all the messages. Although there is no guarantee that he will read all the messages, it would be nice for him to know that many people care and are thinking about him.
Follow this link, "Anderson's Army," click on "Ask" in the middle of the light blue band below its title and type your message.
If you don't have a blog with "Tumblr," you will need to include your name at the end of your message otherwise it will be signed "anonymous" automatically.
My Message To Anderson:
thoroughlyandersoncooper ASKED:
Hi Anderson,
Have a safe trip to Egypt, and be careful once you get there. Although the bullets and the rockets may be raining within a coupe of feet from you, you always escape untouched -- you are that type of guy, but it always pays to be cautious.
Thinking of you and your crew and looking forward to see your report tomorrow at 10.