Talking Points Memo reports that the GOP is furiously trying to scrub the net of the below video in which freshman Tea Party-backed GOP Rep. Sean Duffy (WI) complains about his annual salary of $174,000.
A day after TPM posted the video we obtained of Duffy talking about his salary at a Polk County town hall meeting earlier this year, the Polk County GOP contacted the video provider we used to host the video, Blip.tv, and demanded the video be taken down. The tape caused a stir for Duffy, a first-term conservative best known for his past as a reality TV show star on MTV's The Real World. Democrats flagged the comments about his taxpayer-funded salary (which is nearly three times the median income in Wisconsin) and criticisms began to flow Duffy's way.Duffy, who has six kids, was endorsed for office by the Wisconsin hate group that pushed for a state constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.
Labels: GOP, Tea Party, teabaggers, U.S. House, waambulance, Wisconsin