Legal action: DUI attorney Mark Gold is suing a Miami strip club after he got drunk and spent $18,930 on one night out (file photo)

Expensive habit? Lawyer Mark Gold is suing Gold Rush strip club in Miami after he spent almost $19,000 on a drunken night out in November
Photos via UK Daily Mail

FOX NEWS - An attorney who specializes in drunken-driving offenses is suing a Florida strip club, claiming it got him so drunk he spent almost $19,000 on his credit card, reports. Mark S. Gold reportedly is suing the Gold Rush strip club in Miami-Dade County Court, saying he became "temporarily unconscious" during a drunken night at the club in November 2010 and racked up $18,930 in charges. The lawsuit alleged that "Gold Rush knowingly and continuously served plaintiff alcoholic beverages to the extent that he was rendered intoxicated, partially or temporarily unconscious, and further to the extent that he had a complete loss of judgment, rational thought, or ability to enter into lawful contracts or agreements," according to the website. The allegations reportedly say that the club "knowingly caused plaintiff's irrational state of mind, continued to ply him with liquor in order to charge his credit card excessive amounts to the extent of $18,930." The lawsuit, filed April 18, makes no mention of how much drinks or services the 56-year-old Gold may have bought, according to the U.K. Daily Mail. Gold is demanding that the club's owners, Turntable Entertainment and Production Company, refund him his money.

Do not, I repeat, do not, give this ambulance chaser his money back.  Talk about karma or irony or some shit like that.  This douche has been gettin' drunks off the hook forever and now he's on the hook himself.  It's time to pay up, counselor.  Hope you enjoyed gettin' screwed without gettin' screwed because now you're screwed.  Bang.  Done.  Send all the lawyers to the bottom of the ocean.  Pay attention!

PS - Love how the company he's suing is called "Turntable" because the table has been turned, no?


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