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by Davey Wavey

Yes, I Rewrote the 10 Commandments.
October 17, 2010

I may not be Moses, but early this morning, I was inspired to pen an updated list of the 10 commandments for today’s day and age. While the original set of commandments may have been helpful in establishing law and order in a developing civilization, I think my new set of “commandments” may help us reach a higher level of awareness.

I call them the “10 Aspirations”, as your participation certainly isn’t commanded:
    1. I am God. Worship no God but me. You are the creator of your universe. You are a god or goddess in embryo – awaken your true potential. 2. Do not use the name of the Lord in vain. Be mindful of the words you use to describe yourself and your body. Choose your words wisely! 3. Keep holy the Sabbath. Remember to take to time to enjoy life. Relax, breathe, quiet your mind and be still. 4. Honor your parents. Honor your brothers and sisters – your fellow mankind - in word and action. We are all in this together. 5. Do not kill. Celebrate life by living yours to the fullest and inspiring the world around you. 6. Do not commit adultery. Love your body and cherish the gift of sexuality. 7. Do not steal. Give generously of your time, money, energy, and most importantly, your love. 8. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor. Use your words, thoughts and actions to lift up yourself, your neighbors and the world. 9. Do not covet your neighbor’s wife. Be grateful. 10. Do not covet anything else your neighbor owns. Express that gratitude often.
As you may have noticed, these 10 aspirations are based rather tightly on the original commandments. Wherein Moses may have commanded Jews to “not kill”, I challenge myself to celebrate life. And wherein Moses commands against jealousy, I aspire to gratitude. Instead of not stealing, I emphasize the importance of generosity and giving.

Let me know what you think of the 10 aspirations, and feel free to suggest alternatives in the comments below.


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