
Working for MSNBC

Hunky, Handsome, Talented & Gay, Thomas Roberts

Remember Thomas Roberts? He used to be a reporter at CNN and at HLN. He came out as a gay man during his interviews with Anderson Cooper's "Sins of the Father" segments.

Thomas & Anderson

Thomas then moved to CBS to work in Entertainment Tonight and The Insider. He was doing a great job when the fake dirt came out. The bastard Kenneth M. Walsh released some alleged pictures of Thomas from a porn site which proved not to be his but which cost him his job at CBS.

Kenneth the Bastard

Then Thomas disappeared for a period of time and nobody knew where he was. Until now. Today I turned to MSNBC at 3:00 PM and saw him reporting the news; I did a little research and found out that he's been freelancing for MSNBC since April 2010. Where have I been all this time? Watching Anderson, probably. Either way, I am so glad Thomas is back in front of the cameras. I know that's what he wants to do and that he is very good at it.

The following is a report for MSNBC that Thomas did about Ken Mehlman, a Republican closet case, back in August of this year. Thomas is definitely still in great shape.


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